LONG CASE : 50 years old male, who is agricultural farmer by occupation, presented to casuality on 19/5/22 with complaints of c/o altered level of consciousness ( drowsiness) since 19/5/22 morning c/o vomitings since 4 days c/o burning micturition since one week c/o fever with chills since 2 days HOPI- pt wife- daily labourer patient was apparently asymptomatic one week back, he was complaining of burning sensation while urinating since one week with increased frequency, later he had vomitings 4-6 episodes per day,associated with nausea, contains food particles, non blood stinged,non bile stained, for about 4 days which subsided on taking medication( brought from local pharmacy). c/o fever sudden in onset, associated with chills, associated with sweatings, intermittent type, high grade since 2 days. patient attenders noticed , slurring of speech and in drowsiness state, not responding to oral commands on 19/5/22 since morning which made them bring to the hospital. no h/o pai...